13A Design Portfolio


Process: I started this project with a basic understanding of where I wanted to go with it, but didn’t really have a clear plan.  I had all but one of the required projects done, but decided that it was to include the photos for the Photographic Study that I was missing.  A good majority of my projects had very natural, or neutral colors so I knew that I wanted to focus on background that made a statement about my overall work but didn’t overwhelm it.  I found some cool wood planks that had varying colors throughout the 4-5 planks.  As I added photos to the slides it really started to take shape and I felt a good connection with my design choice.  My photos were staggered and moved around on each slide to find the best possible location without sacrificing the focus being on them.  One thing I didn’t stick to was the size of my Movie Poster.  I was never able to get the formatting right and it looked stretched.  I chose to go with the full sized project due to that fact.  In my mind it was too much of a distraction being stretched.

Critique: I received feedback from Chaz Egnew from my Visual Media class who commented about the color of one of the words on the last slide and some text being slightly askew.  After I went back and check out the things Chaz had pointed out, I was able to correct them.  I went with a darker text color rather than lighter because the lighter got washed out.  I then changed the original text box to match the new color.